
A Swedish network for mathematics in industry

The Swedish Network for Mathematics in Industry is a newly established network created to promote the use of mathematics in industry and to serve as an interface between academia and industry.

The network will work actively to leverage the impact of mathematics as a key technology for industrial innovations, by stimulating the exchange of ideas and by creating new opportunities for cooperation between Swedish industry and mathematicians working in academia and at research institutes.

Participation in the Swedish network is open and free of charge. For details, see the invitation letter.


The Swedish network was established in 2014 in response to a call from the European Service Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation (EU-MATHS-IN). The European network was established in 2013 with the support from the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) and the European Mathematical Society (EMS).

EU-MATHS-IN is organized as a network of networks and the Swedish Network for Mathematics in Industry is representing the interests of Swedish academia, research institutes and industry in EU-MATHS-IN.


The Swedish network will have the following activities and responsibilities:

  • Representing Swedish academia, research institutes and industry in EU-MATHS-IN
  • Organizing an annual meeting for exchange of ideas and promotion of projects in industrial mathematics
  • Acknowledging excellent work in industrial mathematics through the awarding of prizes
  • Functioning as a point of contact and interface between industry and academia
  • Providing all members access to a large network of mathematicians and industrial partners, both at a Swedish and at a European level